Mess Makes Meaning
Caring for young children's spirituality is a delicate balance and can often be made more difficult when we grown-ups don't care for ourselves. Struggling through religious or church related trauma or even feelings of inadequacy when it comes to answering our children's big questions. At Mess Makes Meaning we are here to equip the parents/caregivers to remind them and their children they are deeply loved by interviewing some guests who are professionals in this vital work. With relatable humor from hosts and guests alike, this podcast is for you and created by Godly Play®
Mess Makes Meaning
Play with Rev. Dr. Lakisha Lockhart
Rev. Dr. Lakisha R. Lockhart is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, former Zumba instructor, Womanist and coolest auntie around. She believes in the power of play, movement, aesthetics, and creative arts in life and in theology, using the body as a locus for theological reflection. She is a consultant, executive secretary for the Religious Education Association, and in her professorial role as Assistant Professor of Christian Education at Union Presbyterian Seminary she is not only a teacher, but a facilitator, rope jumper, game-player, advocate and catalyst for critical consciousness and engagement in educating in faith and actually living into that faith through various spiritual and artistic practices.